A young client, on his way to school, was knocked down by a car in late 2016.
Our client was crossing a road in Belfast, en-route to school, when he was knocked down by the driver of a car who, we allege, was wrongly driving in a bus lane.
Liability was initially denied by the Defendant on the basis that our client was jaywalking and should have properly checked for oncoming traffic before crossing his lane. The Defendant further disputed that the bus lane was in operation at the time of the accident.
Our client sustained serious personal injuries including a fractured eye socket. Medical reports were obtained from consultants in Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry, Ophthalmology and Oral and Maxillofacial medicine. Thankfully, our client had no long term injuries and received positive prognoses from each consultant.
The case was settled for £30,000, which took into account a portion of contributory negligence on the part of our client, who had crossed the road in an unsafe manner.
Our client was delighted with the settlement which negated the need for him to attend Defence medical appointments and go through a lengthy trial.
Jack Dowling dealt with this matter.
We have been providing expert legal advice to clients for more than 20 years.
76 -78 Castle St, Belfast, BT1 1HD
028 9027 8888