Our client, the administrator of her late husband's estate, took a case against her husband's employer following his death at work. Jack Dowling dealt with this matter.
The deceased died during the course of his employment. Amongst other breaches, the Defendant employer was later convicted in the Crown Court in respect of breaches of the Health & Safety at Work (NI) Order 1978. Our claim alleged that the the Defendant's negligence and breaches of statutory duty caused our client's death.
Loss of dependency reports were obtained from forensic accountants detailing loss of potential income, pension, services, and damages for bereavement.
Following consultation with Senior Counsel, this case settled for the sum of £75,000 pre-trial. Whilst we were confident on liability, the question of the quantum of our claim had presented a number of difficulties. Given the circumstances, we were delighted to be able to secure such a large sum for our client and her family.
To protect the identity of our client's family no further details will be disclosed.
We have been providing expert legal advice to clients for more than 20 years.
76 -78 Castle St, Belfast, BT1 1HD
028 9027 8888