Following a two day hearing, our client was awarded £20,000 in the County Court of Belfast following a disputed road traffic collision in June 2021. Jack Dowling dealt with this matter.
Liability was disputed by the Defendant driver who denied there was a collision and claimed that our client had caused damage to her electronic wheelchair by driving into a kerb. The matter proceeded to trial. Evidence was heard from our client, her mother and the Defendant driver. Plaintiff evidence was presented to the Court from an engineer commenting on the damage to the wheelchair and from medical experts commenting on our client's injuries. Following a two day hearing, the District Judge ruled in our favour and made an award of £20,000 to our client.
Our client was extremely satisfied with the outcome.
We have been providing expert legal advice to clients for more than 20 years.
76 -78 Castle St, Belfast, BT1 1HD
028 9027 8888